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Ivanitska G. M. 
The Effect of the Interatomic Distances Distribution Character on the Radial Distribution Function of Amorphous Solids [Електронний ресурс] / G. M. Ivanitska, V. S. Kovtunenko, M. M. Ryaboschuk // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. - 2015. - Т. 7, № 2. - С. 02005-1-02005-5. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/jnef_2015_7_2_7
It is proposed parabolic assignment of the radial distribution function peaks shape. It is shown that this assignment is more in line with the real structure of disordered atomic networks, in comparison with the Gauss distribution. At the same time its application more adequately describes also the partial structural factors in diffraction studies of the amorphous solids. The analysis shows that the description of coordination spheres atomic networks of amorphous substances by parabolic distribution functions can significantly improve the resolution of the radial distribution function method.
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